

Optimally routing delivery drone fleets in the ever-complex airspace to maximize service efficiency and safety.

How It Works

Using Prompt is easy and seamless. Sit back and see how it works.

Open the Prompt app

Using your phone, you can view a listing of available products.

Place an order

Select and place your order from your favorite local business.

Drone dispatched

Drone will be dispacthed to pick up point.

Delivery completed

Recieve your delivery and the drone will return to service.


Yanchao Liu
Zhenyu Zhou
Adarash Mishra
Eric Petersen

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Prompt drone delivery safe?

At Prompt, the safety of our operations is our top priority. Our drone hardware is exhaustively tested and approved by the FAA to fly. Our software communicates with the FAA's database to ensure proper routing and clearance. Our onboard sensors help our drones complete deliveries.

Is drone delivery legal?

Absolutely! The FAA regulates all airspace in the United States and through new regulations known as UAS Traffic Management enables the safe operations of drones for commercial use, including drone delivery. Commercial drone usage is governed by the Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Part 107 and Part 135.

How far along are you?

We have technology in place and are looking to do customer trials soon.

What can I order?

You can order food, household items, supplies, coffee and other small items from local suppliers.

Where will you deliver?

We hope to launch in select cities within the continental United States.

How do you protect privacy?

We do not store or record video data from our drones. Our software follows industry standard security practices to protect your privacy as well.